Application observability meets developer observability


In the ever-changing software development landscape, having a thorough understanding of your application environment is critical. At Cavisson Systems, Inc., we understand how important visibility is to an organization’s success. By combining application and developer observability, you can gain a comprehensive overview of your environment.

The Evolution of Observability:

In the traditional realm of application observability, the focus has been on monitoring production environments for performance, health, and behavior. While invaluable, this approach often needs to improve in providing insights to developers during the development and testing phases. Enter developer observability, which offers deep insights into code performance. However, maintaining visibility once applications are deployed to production poses a significant challenge.

Bridging the Gap – The Unified Approach: 

Let’s take a look at how Cavisson enables developers with insightful, context-rich information to quickly identify anomalies and reduce MTTD and MTTR (mean time to detect and resolve) critical issues that impact your end-user experience. 

End-to-end Visibility

Cavisson offers a comprehensive solution for achieving end-to-end visibility within the application lifecycle. Through a holistic approach, we enable the identification of performance bottlenecks and anomalies, empowering teams to optimize application performance and enhance the user experience by collecting data from various sources, such as infrastructure, application, networks, and databases, via a single agent, allowing you to visualize the flow of applications and gain a comprehensive understanding of their behavior, ensuring efficient and reliable operations.

DB Monitoring
Integration of application observability with E2E view

Granular Insights

Cavisson empowers informed decision-making and fosters continuous improvement by delivering comprehensive insights into every facet of the application environment. Leveraging our Transaction Flowmap, we offer granular visibility spanning from individual transactions to holistic system-wide performance metrics.

Our approach delves deep into the intricacies of application performance, providing method call details and exception insights to illuminate every aspect of your system’s behavior. This granular level of analysis equips stakeholders with the nuanced understanding necessary for precise decision-making and the ongoing enhancement of application performance.

Delivering granular insights into every aspect of the application environment. with the Transaction Flowmap
Granular insights from individual transactions to system-wide performance metrics with method call details and Exception details.

Collaborative Problem-Solving

Encouraging collaboration between development and operations teams involves communicating anomaly severity rules via email alerts. This ensures both teams understand the severity of issues, promoting faster resolution and enhanced teamwork. Here we can get notifications via Spark, Teams, slack, and other integrated collaboration tools. 

Integrations with Cisco Spark, MS Teams and Slack
Communicating anomaly severity rules via email alerts

Encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing among teams facilitates more efficient problem-solving and enables effective resolution of complex issues. In the case of errors or exceptions, fostering collaboration allows teams to quickly identify the exact line of code responsible by analyzing the stack trace alongside the source code, facilitating a streamlined flow for issue resolution.

Scalability and Flexibility

Scalability is super important for modern cloud apps to work smoothly. Imagine your app suddenly gets super popular – it needs to handle all those extra users without crashing. That’s where Application Performance Management (APM) comes in. It helps businesses see where their app might slow down and make sure the system can handle more users without slowing down.

APM solutions need to be able to grow and change with the apps and the cloud systems they’re working with. Whether it’s dealing with lots of little parts (microservices) in the cloud or one big chunk (monolithic apps) on your servers, they need to be flexible.

They should be like chameleons, able to change and adjust as needed. So, no matter what kind of app you’re dealing with or how much it grows, the APM solution can handle it. That’s how they make sure your app keeps running smoothly, no matter what.

“Unlocking Comprehensive Environmental Visibility with Cavisson Systems”

Cavisson Systems plays a pivotal role in facilitating organizations’ attainment of a complete 360º perspective of their environment by bridging the gap between application observability and developer observability. Through seamless integration of application performance monitoring (APM) with developer tools and workflows, Cavisson empowers teams to delve deeply into their applications’ runtime behavior and the underlying codebase. This integrated approach facilitates proactive issue identification and resolution, performance optimization, and enhanced user experiences throughout the software development lifecycle. With Cavisson Systems, teams can unlock unparalleled visibility and agility, fostering innovation and competitiveness in the ever-evolving digital landscape.


In conclusion, the fusion of application observability with developer observability marks a significant milestone in the realm of software development. The traditional approach to monitoring production environments is enhanced by the integration of developer insights, providing a holistic view of the application lifecycle. This unified approach, championed by Cavisson Systems, enables teams to identify and address performance issues at every stage, from development to production.

With Cavisson Systems, organizations can unlock unparalleled visibility and agility, driving innovation and competitiveness in the dynamic digital landscape. Cavisson paves the way for continuous improvement and enhanced user experiences throughout the software development lifecycle by bridging the gap between application and developer observability.

Contact us today and start journey with cavisson toward a brighter, more transparent, and more efficient future together.

Real User Monitoring with Cavisson

Real User Monitoring
In today’s hyper-connected digital world, user experience (UX) has become the cornerstone of success for online businesses. Whether it’s an e-commerce platform, a financial application, or a media streaming service, the key to retaining and attracting users is providing seamless, fast, and intuitive experiences. This is where Real User Monitoring (RUM) plays a pivotal role, and at Cavisson Systems, Inc., we’re at the forefront of revolutionizing how companies monitor and optimize their digital user experiences.

Business + IT = BT! Leveraging Cavisson’s APM to Unlock the True Value of Your Organization

Business Transaction by Cavisson APM Tool
In today’s dynamic and interconnected business landscape, the convergence of business and Information Technology (IT) has become more than just a trend—it’s a strategic imperative. This fusion has reshaped transactions, redefined customer interactions, and revolutionized operational efficiency. Let’s delve into the symbiotic relationship between business and IT, and explore how it manifests in modern business transactions.

Redefining APM: Moving from Monitoring to Management


Application Performance Management (APM) has become a crucial practice in modern software development and operations. Traditionally, APM has been synonymous with monitoring—keeping a vigilant eye on system performance metrics and reacting to deviations. However, as technology landscapes evolve and demands on applications grow more complex, the role of APM is also evolving. In today’s digital age, APM is not just about monitoring; it’s about proactive management and optimization. Let’s explore how this shift from monitoring to management is redefining APM.

The Future of APM: AIOps Ecosystems

The Future of APM
The future of Application Performance Monitoring (Application Performance Management or APM) will be closely connected to the growth of Artificial Intelligence in handling IT tasks (AIOps).  This means that APM tools will increasingly rely on artificial intelligence to monitor and improve the performance of software applications. AIOps is a revolutionary approach to managing and optimizing the performance of applications, networks, and IT infrastructures. APM is more than just monitoring; it’s about leveraging AI and automation to make proactive decisions and streamline operations.

NetDiagnostics – Next Generation End-to-End Observability Solution

NetDiagnostics - Next Generation End-to-End

Introduction of NetDiagnostics: 

NetDiagnostics is a next generation application performance monitoring (APM) tool developed by Cavisson Systems. Built to assist organizations in identifying the “why” behind application or system level issues, NetDiagnostics provides end-to-end observability by combining application, infrastructure, log and user monitoring in a single platform.

This approach not only eliminates the need to have multiple solutions for monitoring different components of your application landscape but provides context based information by combining varied data sources to assist your teams in drastically reducing the mean time to detect (MTTD).

Combined with NetDiagnostics’ advanced automatic root cause analysis or AutoRCA capabilities, teams are equipped to drill down to accurate root cause thereby also reducing the mean time to resolution (MTTR).


How Performance Testing will evolve in 2024

How Performance Testing will evolve in 2024

Revolutionizing Performance Testing: Embracing Change in 2024

As we step into 2024, the dynamism of the digital world continues to shape the way applications are developed, deployed, and maintained. This blog explores the key trends, challenges, and transformations that are redefining performance testing in 2024, paving the way for more efficient, accurate, and future-ready testing practices. A performance test examines an application’s ability, speed, scalability, and responsiveness under a specific amount of load. It is also known as load testing. For performance testing, there are several objectives: computing processing speed, analyzing application throughput, network consumption, data transfer velocity, maximum concurrent transfers, workload efficiency, memory usage, etc. Performance testing is regarded as a subset of performance engineering. Engineers can deliver code with confidence by performance testing applications. Because of this, developers and QA devote a great deal of time and resources to testing their code. Testing isn’t an isolated activity. It adapts to engineering needs. Testing shifted away from the Center of Excellence with the move from waterfall development to agile delivery. To improve efficiency and increase coverage, test automation was introduced. As the need to democratize testing grew, open-source testing projects flourished. Testing practices need to change with the changes in modern development and the digital transformation enterprises are experiencing, from legacy systems to cloud-native microservices. Other trends and global changes – such as privacy regulations, cybersecurity threats, the digitization of customer and supply-chain interactions, and increased leadership attention to digital infrastructure – also have an impact on testing methods.

What do we mean by 360-degree API Testing and Monitoring?

What do we mean by 360-degree API Testing and
In the past, testing was done only at the GUI level and at the end of the development process. When a developer finished their work, they handed it over to the quality assurance team. Because the engineers were short on time, they decided to test the code at the highest level possible: the GUI. Testing at a ground level, such as the API level, is required in the Agile era. Even developers can do it on their own. API testing can even be done before development is finished, thanks to “API contracts.”  This means that developers can use pre-written tests to validate their code.

QA Checklist for Black Friday

Black Friday is approaching quickly. Expect high volumes of digital shopping and high stakes for delivering exceptional shopping experiences in the coming year. This checklist provides an overview of the most important processes that your team should test in order to prepare your application. You can avoid outages, angry tweets, and thousands of dollars in potential revenue by using this checklist.

Unleashing the Power of Real Device Testing (RDT)


In today’s fast-paced digital world, where mobile apps and websites play a crucial role in connecting businesses with their customers, the importance of thorough testing cannot be overstated. As consumers’ expectations for seamless and high-quality user experiences continue to rise, developers and quality assurance teams are faced with the daunting task of ensuring their applications work flawlessly on a wide array of devices and in real-world scenarios.