90% of B2C Businesses Compete Only On Customer Experience!

Consider the other 10% who don’t, dead already!

The sale season is on in full swing. I hope your customers are experiencing a great shopping time on your website. I wish you good luck with the hope that your website and applications stay clear of any performance issues.

There’s a great deal of correlation between customer experience, application performance, orders, and revenue. Per our experience, organizations failing to understand this math and several related metrics miss out on at least 18% of opportunities. I do not intend to speak about how performance is related to customer experience (which in turn is connected to revenue), but I do intend to highlight that performance is a key to a great shopping experience.

During peak or high sales, applications tend to change behavior as traffic starts pouring in. And this behavior can become erratic and the website may slow down or become unresponsive. During such an event, customers may abandon transactions and move on to alternate shopping sites – Any site that allows them to shop without hiccups.

A study says, “91% of customers who have had a bad experience won’t be returning to the same business via the same channel again.” So, the 10% that we discussed as dead already are perhaps those who didn’t realize the value of performance.

At Cavisson we design and develop a real-time enterprise technology that ensures maximum quality, performance, and availability of your mission-critical applications. Cavisson NetVision allows organizations to monitor customer experience in real time, keep them altered upon any issues, and provide actionable intelligence to help them optimize the application to exceed revenue expectations.

That’s why some of the world’s leading brands rely on Cavisson as their enterprise strategy for performance engineering and customer experience initiatives.

Request your free trial of NetVision now!

*Views expressed are my own*

Shivank Gupta is responsible for the go-to-market strategy of Cavisson NetVision – a comprehensive customer experience management and performance monitoring platform.

About the author: amitsharma