How Performance Testing will evolve in 2024

How Performance Testing will evolve in 2024

Revolutionizing Performance Testing: Embracing Change in 2024

As we step into 2024, the dynamism of the digital world continues to shape the way applications are developed, deployed, and maintained. This blog explores the key trends, challenges, and transformations that are redefining performance testing in 2024, paving the way for more efficient, accurate, and future-ready testing practices. A performance test examines an application’s ability, speed, scalability, and responsiveness under a specific amount of load. It is also known as load testing. For performance testing, there are several objectives: computing processing speed, analyzing application throughput, network consumption, data transfer velocity, maximum concurrent transfers, workload efficiency, memory usage, etc. Performance testing is regarded as a subset of performance engineering. Engineers can deliver code with confidence by performance testing applications. Because of this, developers and QA devote a great deal of time and resources to testing their code. Testing isn’t an isolated activity. It adapts to engineering needs. Testing shifted away from the Center of Excellence with the move from waterfall development to agile delivery. To improve efficiency and increase coverage, test automation was introduced. As the need to democratize testing grew, open-source testing projects flourished. Testing practices need to change with the changes in modern development and the digital transformation enterprises are experiencing, from legacy systems to cloud-native microservices. Other trends and global changes – such as privacy regulations, cybersecurity threats, the digitization of customer and supply-chain interactions, and increased leadership attention to digital infrastructure – also have an impact on testing methods.

QA Checklist for Black Friday

Black Friday is approaching quickly. Expect high volumes of digital shopping and high stakes for delivering exceptional shopping experiences in the coming year. This checklist provides an overview of the most important processes that your team should test in order to prepare your application. You can avoid outages, angry tweets, and thousands of dollars in potential revenue by using this checklist.

DevOps Best Practices To Ensure Successful Testing


DevOps is best defined as a business effort to improve communication and collaboration between development and operations teams, in order to increase software deployment quality and speed. There are profound implications for teams and the organizations they work for with this new way of working. From 2020 to 2027, the global DevOps market is expected to grow at a healthy CAGR of 22.9%. The reason this software development and delivery model has such a bright future is that it has already achieved impressive results for CTOs worldwide. Using DevOps, development and operations teams will no longer be siloed in order to enhance their collaboration. DevOps provides many business and technological advantages. For example, it can shorten development cycles, increase deployment speed, reduce time to market, and more. However, implementing DevOps requires an organizational-wide cultural shift. For a smooth transition to DevOps over time, here are some tips and principles you can follow. The true value of DevOps and testing Professionals lies in identifying issues in production & pre-production to reduce IT downtime, increase business revenue, and uncover insights that lead to a greater customer experience. Because in the end, that is how your customers & users remember you, by their online experience. Derive everyday value from your application’s monitoring via Cavisson’s unified APM solution.

Best CI/CD Practices for Better Code Quality

Best CI/CD Practices for Better Code Quality
Continuous integration and continuous delivery, also referred to as CI/CD, are a tradition, set of basic concepts, and set of practices that application development teams use to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably. Continuous integration is a coding philosophy and set of techniques that encourage development teams to commit tiny code changes to a version control repository regularly. Because most current applications include writing code on a range of platforms and tools, teams want a standardized method for integrating and validating changes. Continuous integration allows developers to build, package, and test their applications in an automated manner. Developers are more likely to commit code changes more frequently when they have a consistent integration procedure, which leads to improved cooperation and code quality. Continuous delivery is a software development approach that automates the infrastructure provisioning and application deployment process by combining it with continuous integration. After code has been tested and built as part of the continuous integration process, continuous delivery takes over in the last stages to ensure it can be deployed to any environment at any time. Everything from infrastructure provisioning to application deployment to the testing or production environment can be covered by continuous delivery. The program is constructed in such a way that it may be deployed to production at any moment with continuous delivery. Then you may either manually trigger the deployments or switch to continuous deployment, where the deployments are also automated.

HTTP/3 – Getting ready for the future with Cavisson NetStorm

HTTP/3 - Getting ready for the future with Cavisson NetStorm

HTTP/3 is the upcoming version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is the underlying protocol used for communication on the World Wide Web. Let us look at some of the most significant changes being made in HTTP/3 and how it proves to be beneficial for both organizations and end-users alike:

QUIC –  Secure and reliable connection in a single handshake

QUIC enables secure and reliable connections in a single handshake. This is achieved through a feature called “0-RTT” (Zero Round Trip Time), which allows the client to send data to the server in the first packet itself, without waiting for a response from the server. This reduces the latency and speeds up the connection establishment process. QUIC is that it runs over UDP, which is a connectionless protocol that is less prone to congestion and provides better performance in high-latency networks. QUIC also includes built-in congestion control mechanisms that are designed to prevent network congestion and ensure fair sharing of network resources among different connections.
