SAP HANA Database Monitoring

SAP HANA Database Monitoring


SAP HANA is a latest, in-memory, column-oriented, relational database management system developed and marketed by SAP SE, which can be deployed on-premises or on cloud. It is a combination of hardware and software, which integrates different components, such as SAP HANA Database and SAP System Landscape Transformation (SLT).
This monitor provides monitoring of different stats, such as memory usage by SAP HANA, user connections, long running statements, and so on.

* SAP stands for System Application Product
* HANA stands for High Performance Analytic Appliance

Database Functions

In memory computation

Columnar Database

Data Compression

Massive parallel processing of data

Database Design

In SAP HANA, a disk is attached with RAM (unlike other databases), which enables easy storage and fetching of the data.


Graph Name HANA Users
Data Type Sample
Graph Description Display the number of users in database

SAP HANA Schema Memory

Graph Name HANA Schema Memory (MB)
Data Type Sample
Graph Description Display the Schema Memory (in MB) of database

SAP HANA Peak Memory

Graph Name HANA Users
Data Type Sample
Graph Description Display the Peak Memory (in MB) of database

SAP HANA Resident Memory

Graph Name HANA Resident Memory (GB) HANA Physical Memory (GB)
Data Type Sample Sample
Graph Description Display the Resident Memory (in GB) of database Display the Physical Memory (in GB) of database

SAP HANA Memory Allocation

Graph Name HANA Allocated Memory (MB)
Data Type Sample
Graph Description Display the Allocate Memory in MB of database

SAP HANA SavePoints

Graph Name HANA Flushed Pages
Data Type Sample
Graph Description Display the Save Points (flushed pages) stats of database


Graph Name HANA Catalog Size (MB) HANA Oldest Backup Days
Data Type Sample Sample
Graph Description Display the catalog size (in MB) of database Display the oldest backup days of database

SAP HANA Memory Component

Graph Name HANA Memory Component
Data Type Sample
Graph Description Display the component memory (in MB) of database

SAP HANA Network

Graph Name HANA Tcp Segments Received (kbps) HANA Tcp Bad Segments Received (kbps) HANA Tcp Segments Retransmitted(kbps)
Data Type Rate Rate Rate
Graph Description Display the TcpSegmentsReceived (in kbps) per secondĀ  stats of database Display the TcpBadSegmentsReceived (in kbps) stats of database Display the TcpSegmentsRetransmitted (in kbps) stats of database

SAP HANA Active Connection

Graph Name HANA Active Connection
Data Type Sample
Graph Description Display number of active connections of database

SAP HANA Disk Usage

Graph Name HANA Used Disk(MB) HANA Used Disk(pct) HANA Total Disk(MB)
Data Type Sample Sample Sample
Graph Description Display the used disk (in MB) stats of database Display the used disk (in Pct) stats of database Display the total disk (in MB) stats of database

About the author: SM