JBOSS Server Monitoring
This page provides a list of JBoss Monitors supported by Cavisson, pre-requisites for monitoring configuration, and monitoring capabilities of JBoss monitors.
JBOSS Monitors
Cavisson supports following JBoss monitors:

JBoss AS7
JBoss Application Server (JBoss AS) is an open-source, cross-platform Java application server developed by JBoss, a division of Red Hat Inc. JBoss AS is an open-source implementation of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) that is used for implementing Java applications and other Web-based applications and software.
- Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 (JBoss EAP 6) is a middleware platform built on open standards and compliant with the Java Enterprise Edition 6 specification. It integrates JBoss Application Server 7 with high-availability clustering, messaging, distributed caching, and other technologies.
- JBoss EAP 6 includes a new, modular structure that allows service enabling only when required, improving start-up speed.
- The Management Console and Management Command Line Interface make editing XML configuration files unnecessary, add the ability to script, and automate tasks.
- In addition, JBoss EAP 6 includes APIs and development frameworks for quickly developing secure and scalable Java EE applications.
Monitoring Capabilities
Here, we are describing monitoring capabilities of various JBoss monitors, such as JBoss AS7, JBoss EAP, and JBoss GA.
JBoss AS7
Below is the monitoring capabilities of JBossAS7 monitor.
JBoss AS7 Jdbc Pool Stat
To fetch jdbc pool metrics, gather data-sources by send HTTP request to Jboss AS then gather jdbc pool stat by hit another REST API.
Graph Name | Description |
JBoss7 Average Blocking Time (ms) | Number of elapsed enforcement period intervals. |
JBoss7 Maximum Waiting Time (ms) | Number of times, task in this container has been throttled per second. |
JBoss7 Active Connections | Average time for which tasks in container have been throttled in seconds |
JBoss7 Created Connections | Time spent by tasks of the container in kernel mode per second. |
JBoss7 Maximum Creation Time For Connection (ms) | Time spent by tasks of the container in user mode per second. |
JBoss7 Total Creation Time (ms) | Total CPU time consumed by all tasks in seconds. |
JBoss7 Maximum Available Connections | Number of available Inodes. |
JBoss7 Maximum Used Connections | Number of Inodes. |
JBoss7 Timed Out Connections | Number of I/O operations are currently in progress. |
JBoss7 Total Blocking Time (ms) | Time spent doing I/Os in seconds. |
JBoss7 Average connection Creation Time (ms) | Weighted I/O time in seconds. |
JBoss7 Destroyed Connections | Space that can be consumed by the container in filesystem in MegaBytes. |
JBoss AS7 Jdbc Prepared Statement Stat
To fetch jdbc prepared statement metrics, gather data-sources by send HTTP request to Jboss AS, and then gather jdbc prepared statement stat by hit another REST API.
Graph Name | Description |
JBoss7 Cache Access/Sec | Number of times that the statement cache was accessed per second. |
JBoss7 Cache Added/Sec | Number of statements added to the statement cache per second. |
JBoss7 Cache Current Size | Number of prepared and callable statements currently cached in the statement cache. |
JBoss7 Cache Deletes/Sec | Number of statements discarded from the cache per second. |
JBoss7 Cache Hits/Sec | Number of times that statements from the cache were used per second. |
JBoss7 Cache Misses/Sec | Number of times that a statement request could not be satisfied with a statement from the cache per second. |
JBoss AS7 Transaction Stat
To fetch Transaction metrics, send HTTP request to Jboss AS
Graph Name | Description |
JBoss7 Aborted Transactions/Sec | Number of aborted transactions per second. |
JBoss7 Application Rollbacks/Sec | Number of transactions that have been rolled back by application request per second. |
JBoss7 Committed Transactions/Sec | Number of committed transactions per second. |
JBoss7 Heuristics/Sec | Number of transactions, which have terminated with heuristic outcomes per second. |
JBoss7 Inflight Transactions | Number of transactions that have begun but not yet terminated. |
JBoss7 Nested Transactions/Sec | Total number of nested (sub) transactions created per second. |
JBoss7 Resource Rollbacks/Sec | Number of transactions that rolled back due to resource (participant) failure per second. |
JBoss7 TimedOut Transactions/Sec | Number of transactions that have rolled back due to timeout per second. |
JBoss7 Total Transactions/Sec | Total number of transactions (top-level and nested) created per second. |
JBoss AS7 Service Stat
To fetch Service metrics, send HTTP request to Jboss AS.
Graph Name | Description |
JBoss7 Received Throughput (Mbps) | Data received by the connector (POST data) in Megabits per second. |
JBoss7 Transmitted Throughput (Mbps) | Data sent by the connector in Megabits per second. |
JBoss7 Errors/Sec | Number of error that occurs when processing requests by the connector per second. |
JBoss7 Max Post Size (MB) | Maximum size of a POST request that can be parsed by the container in Megabytes. |
JBoss7 Max Save Post Size (MB) | Maximum size of a POST request that will be saved during certain authentication schemes in Megabytes. |
JBoss7 Max Time (ms) | Max time spent to process a requests in milliseconds. |
JBoss7 Average Processing Time (ms) | Average Processing time used by the connector in milliseconds. |
JBoss7 Request Count/Sec | Number of the request prcessed by the connector per second. |
Jboss EAP Jdbc Pool Stats
Graph Name | Description |
Average Blocking Time | The average time spent blocking for a connection. |
Maximum Waiting Time | The maximum wait time for a connection. |
Number of Active Connection | Gets the number of active connections |
Number of Created Connection | The Connection Created Count retrieves the Number of Connection created. |
Maximum creation Time for a Connection | The maximum time for creating a physical connection. |
Maximum Waiting Threads | The maximum number of threads waiting for a connection |
Total Creation Time | The total time spent creating physical connections |
Maximum Connection Available | Maximum Number of Connection Available in the Pool. |
Maximum Connections Used | The maximum number of connections used. |
Connections Timed Out | The running count of requests for a connection from this data source that had to wait before getting a connection and eventually failed to get a connection. Waiting connection requests can fail for a variety of reasons, including waiting for longer than the ConnectionReserveTimeoutSeconds. |
Total Blocking Time | The Blocking Time attribute indicates the total time to block while waiting for a connection before throwing an exception. |
Average Connection Creation Time | The average time spent creating a physical connection. |
Number of connection InUse | The number of physical connections currently in use. |
Number of Connection Destroyed | The Connection Destroyed Count retrieves the destroyed count. |
Jboss EAP Servlet Stats
Graph Name | Description |
Minimum Processing Time (mus) | Minimum processing time of a request in microseconds. |
Servlet Load Time (mus) | Time taken to load and initialize the Servlet in microseconds. |
Servlet Execution Time (mus) | Total execution time of the servlet’s service method. |
Maximum Processing Time (mus) | Maximum processing time of a request in microseconds. |
Number of Request | Number of requests processed by this servlet. |
Jboss EAP Thread Pool Stats
Graph Name | Description |
Number of Active Threads | The approximate number of threads. Which are actively executing tasks. |
Total Number of Threads | The total number of threads in the pool. |
Total Number Of Tasks | The approximate total number of tasks that have ever been scheduled for execution. |
Maximum Number of Use Threads | The largest number of threads that have ever simultaneously been in the pool. |
Number of Completed Task | The approximate total number of tasks that have completed execution. |
Maximum Number of Threads | The maximum number of threads that can be exist in pool. |
Number of Rejected Tasks | The number of tasks that have been rejected. |
Queue Size | The queue size |
Jboss EAP Session Stats
Graph Name | Description |
Number of Expired Sessions | Number of sessions that have expired. |
Number of Rejected Sessions | Number of rejected sessions |
Maximum Number of Active Sessions | Maximum number of concurrent active sessions |
Maximum Alive Time | The longest time (in seconds) that an expired session had been alive |
Total Number of Sessions Created | Number of sessions created in an application |
Average Alive Time | Average time (in seconds) that expired sessions had been alive. |
Total Number of Active Sessions | Total Number of active sessions in an application. |
Number of duplicated session | Number of duplicated session IDs generated by the random source (anything bigger than 0 means problems) |
JBoss GA
JBoss Thread Pool Stats
Graph Name | Description |
Maximum Threads | The maximum number of request processing threads to be created by this Connector, which therefore determines the maximum number of simultaneous requests that can be handled. If not specified, this attribute is set to 200. If an executor is associated with this connector, this attribute is ignored as the connector will execute tasks using the executor rather than an internal thread pool. |
Acceptor Thread Count | Acceptor Thread Count specifies the size of the acceptor thread pool. It is responsible for constructing the task objects from the requests coming to the socket. |
Current Thread Count | Current Thread Count specifies the Current number of worker threads. Worker Threads represents number of requests that can be processed concurrently by the Web server. |
Current Threads Busy Count | Current Threads Busy Count specifies the Current number of worker threads busy in processing various requests. |
Backlog | The maximum queue length for incoming connection requests when all possible request processing threads are in use. Any requests received when the queue is full will be refused. The default value is 10. |
Thread Priority | Thread Priority specifies that priority of the acceptor and poller threads. |
JBoss Cache Stats
Graph Name | Description |
Access Count | Access Count |
Cache Max Size (KB) | Cache Max Size in KB |
Cache Size (KB) | Cache size in KB |
Desired Entry Access Ratio | Desired Entry Access Ratio |
Hit Count | Number of hits |
Max Allocation Iterations | Maximum allocation iterations |
Spare NotFound Entries | Spare NotFound Entries |
JBoss Session Manager Stats
Graph Name | Description |
Session Maximum Alive Time | Longest time an expierd session had been alive. |
Duplicates | Number of duplicated session ids generated |
Maximum Inactive Interval | The default maximum inactive interval for Sessions created by this Manger. |
Active Sessions | Number of active sessions at this moment. |
Session Counter | Total number of sessions created by this manager. |
Session Average Alive Time | Average time an expired session had been alive. |
Processing Time | Time spent doing housekeeping and expiration. |
Session Id Length | The session id length (in bytes) of Sessions created by this Manager. |
Process Expire Frequency | The frequency of the manager checks. |
Maximum Active Sessions | Maximum number of active sessions so far. |
Maximum Allowed Active Sessions | The maximum number of active sessions allowed, -1 if no limit |
Expired Sessions | Number of sessions that expired. |
Rejected Sessions | Number of sessions rejected due to maxActive beeing reached. |
JBoss Request Processor Stats
Graph Name | Description |
Request Processing Time | Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime. |
Bytes Sent | Introspected attribute bytesSent. |
Processing Time | Introspected attribute processingTime. |
Error Count | Introspected attribute errorCount. |
Maximum Time | Introspected attribute maxTime. |
Request Bytes Received | Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived. |
Stage | Introspected attribute stage. |
Last Request Processing Time | Introspected attribute lastRequestProcessingTime. |
server Port | Introspected attribute serverPort. |
Bytes Received | Introspected attribute bytesReceived. |
Request Count | Introspected attribute requestBytesSent. |
Request Bytes Sent | Introspected attribute requestBytesSent. |
Content Length | Introspected attribute contentLength. |
JBoss Connection Pool Stats
Graph Name | Description |
Available Connection Count | Gets the number of available free connections. |
Blocking Timeout Millis | The BlockingTimeoutMillis attribute indicates the maximum time to block while waiting for a connection before throwing an exception. Note that this blocks only while waiting for a permit for a connection, and will never throw an exception if creating a new connection takes an inordinately long time. |
Connection Count | The Connection Count retrieves the connection count. |
Connection Created Count | The Connection Created Count retrieves the connection created count. |
Connection Destroyed Count | The Connection Destroyed Count retrieves the destrooyed count. |
Idle Timeout Minutes | The IdleTimeoutMinutes attribute indicates the maximum time a connection may be idle before being closed. The actual maximum time depends also on the IdleRemover scan time, which is 1/2 the smallest IdleTimeout of any pool. |
In Use Connection Count | The In Use Connection Count gets the number of connections currently in use. |
Max Connections In Use Count | The Max Connections In Use Count indicates the max number of connections ever used. |
MaxSize | The MinSize attribute indicates the minimum number of connections this pool should hold. These are not created until a Subject is known from a request for a connection. MinSize connections will be created for each sub-pool. |
MinSize | The MinSize attribute indicates the minimum number of connections this pool should hold. These are not created until a Subject is known from a request for a connection. MinSize connections will be created for each sub-pool. |
JBoss Global Request Processor Stats
Graph Name | Description |
Bytes Sent | Introspected attribute bytesSent. |
Processing Time | Introspected attribute processingTime. |
Error Count | Introspected attribute errorCount. |
Maximum Time | Introspected attribute maxTime. |
Bytes Received | Introspected attribute bytesReceived. |
Request Count | Introspected attribute requestCount. |