Docker-based Applications Monitoring

Monitoring Capabilities

Docker Info Stats

These are stats about the container – in various states – running, paused, stopped. This also provides insight into total number of containers. This stat is on Server level.

Graph Name Description
Total Containers Total number of containers.
Running Containers Total number of running containers.
Paused Containers Total number of paused containers.
Stopped Containers Total number of stopped containers.

Docker System Stats

This stat monitors the system stats of every container installed. These stats include CPU usage, System usage etc.

Graph Name Description
CPU Usage (Pct) CPU usage in percentage.
Memory Usage (GB) Memory usage in GB.
Memory Limit (GB) Max memory available in GB.
Memory Usage (Pct) Memory usage in Percentage.
Received Throughput (GB) Received Network Throughput in GB.
Transmitted Throughput (GB) Transmitted Network Throughput in GB.
Disk Read (GB) Disks read in GB.
Disk Write (GB) Disks write in GB.
Uptime (Days) Total time the docker container has been running in days.

Docker Network Stats

This monitors the network stats on each interface for every container.

Graph Name Description
Received Throughput (KBps) Received throughput in KiloBytes per second.
Received Pkts OK/Sec Error Free Packets received per Sec.
Received Pkts Error/Sec Damaged Packets received per Sec.
Received Pkts Dropped/Sec Dropped Packets received per Sec.
Received Pkts Fifo/Sec fifo Packets received per Sec.
Received Pkts Frame/Sec Frame Packets received per Sec.
Received Pkts Compressed/Sec Compressed Packets received per Sec.
Received Pkts Multicast/Sec Multicast Packets received per Sec.
Transmitted Throughput (KBps) Transmitted throughput in KiloBytes per second.
Transmitted Pkts OK/Sec Transmitted Error Free Packets per Sec.
Transmitted Pkts Errror/Sec Transmitted Damaged Packets per Sec.
Transmitted Pkts Dropped/Sec Transmitted Dropped Packets per Sec.
Transmitted Pkts Fifo/Sec Transmitted fifo Packets per Sec.
Transmitted Pkts Colls/Sec Transmitted collision Packets per Sec.
Transmitted Pkts Carrier/Sec Transmitted carrier Packets per Sec.
Transmitted Pkts Compressed/Sec Transmitted compressed Packets per Sec.

Docker IO Stats

It monitors the stats related to the input / output data.

Graph Name Description
Disk Read Size (MB/s) Size of disk reads per second in MB by container.
Disk Write Size (MB/s) Size of disk writes per second in MB by container.
Disk Reads/sec Number of disk reads per second by container.
Disk Writes/sec Number of disk writes per second by container.
Total Data Read from Disk (MB) Total data read from disk in MB.
Total Data Written to Disk (MB) Total data written to disk in MB

Docker CPU Stats

This stat monitors the CPU, for example: user CPU time, System CPU time etc.

Graph Name Description
Total User CPU Time(Sec) Time spent (in seconds) by tasks of the container in user mode.
Total System CPU Time(Sec) Time spent (in seconds) by tasks of the container in kernel mode.
Total Elapsed Enforcement Intervals Number of enforcement intervals that have elapsed.
Total Throttled Count Number of times, task in this container has been throttled.
Total Throttled Time (Sec) Total time (in seconds) for which tasks in container have been throttled.

Docker Memory Stats

This monitors stats related to memory, for example, cache memory size, write back size etc.

Graph Name Description
Cache Memory Size (MB) Page cache memory.
Resident Set Size (MB) RSS(anonymous and swap cache memory) in MB.
Mapped File Size (MB) Mapped file (includes tmpfs/shmem) in MB.
Writeback Size (MB) Writebacks in MB.
Total Page Ins Total number of pages paged in.
Total Page Outs Total number of pages paged out.
Total Page Faults Total number of page faults